Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 Hello blog! Today is my last day posting blogs, it feels as if I started doing my first blog post yesterday! I am really happy with our finished product and how my group worked together.

Although we were not able to follow our schedule as planned due to Covid-19 because we had to get tested first, we still found a way to record everything in time to edit it just the way we wanted it. I am proud of all the work we have done and happy that we all got to work together and learn in such an interesting project. 

After many changes In our ideas and improvements in editing and recording, I think our psychological thriller film came out just as the way we all pictured. This past 8 weeks have been a great experience of learning and challenging myself. Now, I am really exited to announce to my blog that the film introduction will now be published!

Monday, April 5, 2021

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Film Introduction

 Hello blog! I am excited to announce my group and I finished our film introduction. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, March 28, 2021


    In order to record our introduction of our film, we had to decide what costumes we wanted for our characters Maya Miller and Lucy Walker. We decided to choose sport clothes since they are both going on a run and they have to dress appropriately to exercise. The color we chose was key for each of the outfits. 

Choosing outfits correctly for each character is important because it communicates a lot about the character tot he viewer without realizing it. Colors play a huge role in this because they can set the tone and mood of a character and an scene.

    The first outfit is Lucy Walker's costume. The color purple of the tank top also means mystery and fantasy. The color of the tank top symbolize how Lucy is a fictional friend in Maya's mind. Then we added shorts and white sneakers because it is what a typical teenager in high school would wear to exercise.

    Here is Maya Miller's outfit. We decided to use a grey top and leggings because it symbolize dullness and more of a negative connotation. Then the blue top can symbolize sadness. These colors will reflect later on what happens when Lucy is murdered since Maya will suffer a lot and enter in a depressive state.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Character development

 Hello blog! As you may know, our characters Maya Miller is the main character and Lucy Walker is her best friend and victim of the film. In order to create the plot correctly, we have to include character development in our film. Our group decided to focus on Maya's character development the most since she is the main character and our genre is a psychological thriller. In order to develop a psychological thriller correctly, we have to really create this distinction between Maya at the begging of the film and at the end after all the series of events happen.

We want Maya to be this closed, shy, simple girl who just enjoys being in company with her best friend. We wanted to make Lucy's personality very contrasting to Maya so that the viewer can understand their contrasting dynamic between their friendship. Lucy is very outgoing and talkative, she loves having adventures and trying new things. Lucy pushes Maya to try new things which is why they went jogging outside in the first place. We will also represent this in the friendship in dialogue and body language during our intro.

Maya will start changing the way she behaves once Lucy is killed. Maya will struggle with her mental health and start questioning reality. In the end, the viewer will learn that it was in al Maya's imagination and that she imagined having this friend "Lucy" in the first place. Maya created this friend in her mind to motivate her to do the things she was afraid to. Sadly because Maya suffers from having episodes of hallucinations, she suffered all this time trying to find how her friend was killed for nothing. And she never got to understand that her reality was completely false and she created it all in her mind.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Walker 9:37a.m.

Hello Blog! Today I am going to discuss one of our final decisions for our film, the title. Coming up with the title of our film was a long process.  Nothing seemed to be fitting for the story of our film. We had multiple ideas such as "What happened with Lucy?" or "The mystery of my best friend" but these options did not seem good enough to be our final option. 

We wanted our title to be a little more complicated like a puzzle, something you would not understand until you watch the film. This is why we decided to use the last name Walker as the title since it is the character's last name who died. Lucy Walker will die exactly at 9:37 a.m., we wanted to put this specific hour to show how much Maya obsesses over this murder that supposedly happened.

I think our title does a great job at making it so that only people who watch the movie will understand what it means. People who are interested in watching our film will wonder what that name means and why that hour is important. It adds mystery to the concept of our film and I feel it is unique which will set us apart from other films. And it also connects the characters and the plot altogether in the title which is what a successful title should include.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The creation of our script

    Hello blog! For the past few days, my group and I have been working on some details in order to get prepared to record. One of the most important details we had to prepare was our script. This script will help us to make the recording process easier because we can learn our lines before recording so that the whole process is easier and we can focus on the quality of the shots. 

We wanted to reflect the personalities of both characters through their dialogue. If you read the script created below, you can notice how Lucy tends to be more talkative while Maya just tends to respond. This difference of how much they talk reflect on their contrasting personalities. Additionally, we also purposely showed what the priorities of each character were when creating this script.  Lucy mentions se wants to go to a party while Maya says she can't because her priority is school. Lucy is also very insistent and tends to push Lucy to step our of her comfort zone. I think this script does a pretty good job showing how the dynamic between these two best friends is and how each of their personalities are. 



  Hello blog! Today is my last day posting blogs, it feels as if I started doing my first blog post yesterday! I am really happy with our fi...