Thursday, February 18, 2021

Exploring Chosen Genre

 Hello guys! I recently reunited with my new group with my classmates Eliana and Abril from AICE media studies. We recently decided we want to do a film with the genre of thriller. There are multiple aspects of the genre I want to research before planning our film.

What is a thriller?

Thrillers come all the way back from ancient history, one of the first thrillers known is by Homer, a Greek poet, who created the  Odyssey in 725 BCE. Thrillers are usually dark films that use elements of suspense to keep the viewer engaged. There are many types of thriller sub-genres such as action, crime, psychological, spy, legal, political, and science fiction. 

Some elements a thriller should include are elements of suspense, a hero, a sidekick, a villain, plot twists, possible explanations, big questions, exciting climax.

The three Cs

All types of thrillers have three characteristics in common:

Crucible: when you create an environment for the characters where they have no place to escape and are forced to take action.

Clock: adding the element of time pressure to the plot or characters builds suspense.

Contract: a promise that implied and is not revealed until the end.

What to consider when writing a thriller:

After reading multiple sources, here are the best tips I found to develop a thriller story.

1. Watching films and reading books with the genre of thrillers. examining how thriller stories work helps anyone trying to write one for inspiration.

2. The location should be intriguing to the audience. It helps with the inspiration and development of the plot and characters.

3. Another important successful technique is creating a mystery to make the audience want to find the truth. You can do this by promising the reader there is something they do not know, then slowly start giving hints until the final answer is shown at the end.

4. An interesting piece of advice I found is creating a complicated story for the character. It helps the audience engage more with the character and question how the event of the character's life shaped them to the person they are and how they act.

5. A tip I also want to consider is compressing the timeline of events since it creates more pressure on the film. It is important to consider pacing in this type of genre.

6. Finally, introducing parallel plot lines helps to create suspense and make the story more interesting. This can be done with the main character and a secondary character or villain of the story. 

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